Unless otherwise specified in KKDİK (Turkish REACH), the manufacturer or importer who manufactures or imports the substance in its own form or in the mixture one or more tonne per year applies for registration to the Ministry of Environment through the Chemical Registration System on the website of the Ministry.
KKDİK (Turkish REACH) is based on the principle that manufacturers, importers and downstream users should ensure that they do not adversely affect human health or the environment in processes such as manufacturing, placing on the market and using chemicals. According to KKDİK (Turkish REACH), the responsibility of managing the risks of the substances belongs to the real or legal persons who manufacture, import, market or use these substances within the framework of their professional activities.
Manufactured in Turkey or imported into the country, registrations of chemical substances within the scope of the KKDİK regulation (Turkish REACH) will submitted through the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization's online Chemical Registration System (CRS).
All registrants, shall send a pre-SIEF including below mentioned information to the Ministry through Chemicals Registration System in the website of Ministry until 31/12/2020: (pre-registration deadline)
a) substance identity according to Annex-6;
b) Role in the supply chain